In Scotland contraception is free
There are different types of contraception available. They work in different ways and not all are suitable for everyone.
In addition to reducing the risk of pregnancy, some help heavy period bleeding and also reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections.
For more information about the different methods and types of contraception
Where to get Contraception
Some pharmacies have the option to provide the pill and emergency contraception.
Emergency Contraception
Can be used to prevent pregnancy after an episode of sexual intercourse. It can be used if unprotected sexual intercourse, condom failure or missed pill. It should not be used as an alternative to normal contraception. There is lots of information on NHS Inform
Tayside Sexual Health Clinic
For coil and implant insertion and removals it is best to contact them directly as the practice no longer can offer this service.
Call them on 01382 425542 between 9am and 12pm to arrange an appointment.
You can also visit SH&BBV for more information
General Practice
Our practice can discuss and prescribe contraception for you. If you wish a contraceptive coil or implant- it is best to contact the Tayside Sexual Health Clinic directly.
The Corner
The Corner – for those up to 19 years of age. Call 01382 206060 to arrange an appointment or a drop in service is available.
Condoms by Post
If you are aged over 14 and live in Tayside you can order condoms by post. They will be delivered in a plain, unmarked envelope to your address or you can order via a click and collect service