Anyone can experience mental health issues, at any point in their life. You don’t have to deal with these problems alone.
There are many different mental health support services available to everyone, of all ages. This website section focuses on the services that the GPs often suggest and that patients have told us are helpful.
You can find information about the services available through the GP surgery at Dundee Mental Health and Wellbeing
There is also a lot of useful information about self-care and guidance for friends and family.
If you’re feeling distressed, in a state of despair, suicidal or in need of emotional support you can phone NHS 24 on 111.
For an emergency ambulance phone 999.
To find out more general information about different mental health problems and disorders see NHS Inform.
Mental health is closely linked to mental wellbeing – defined as a state in which you can function in your environment, cope well with challenges, connect with others and engage with your community, feel good and thrive in life. Many factors influence our mental wellbeing – find out more here.
We know that what we eat, what activity we do and how we sleep also has a big impact on mental health. Click on the links to find out more.
Mental health crisis
Samaritans – Samaritans is a unique charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide. Every six seconds, they respond to a call for help. They are available 24/7, before, during and after a crisis.
NHS Tayside Crisis resources – This has information about who to contact if you are having a mental health crisis.
This is a suicide prevention resource aimed at everyone aged 16+ in Angus, Dundee, and Perth and Kinross.
Hope Point – Dundee Wellbeing Support is here 24/7. Hope Point offers compassionate support to anyone in the city who is distressed or overwhelmed. Hope Point is self-referral and free for all ages. You can call, text, or use our drop-in for face to face support 24/7.
Freephone 0800 955 0008 Text 01382 604 123
Drop-in: The Centre @SWR, 4 South Ward Road, Dundee, DD1 1PN
Childline – Offers free, confidential advice and support for any child 18 years or under, whatever the worry.
SHOUT – Free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging service for anyone who is struggling to cope Text SHOUT to 85258
Breathing Space ‘Open up when you’re feeling down’ Freephone: 0800 83 85 87 Monday – Thursday 6pm – 2am Friday 6pm – Monday 6am
General mental health advice
Feeling Good – Feeling Good offers Positive Mental Training audio programmes based on scientific research which can help you feel better, lift your mood and recover from stress, anxiety, and depression by building resilience and developing positive feelings. Username: coboost3 Password: positive
SilverCloud – SilverCloud is a website with courses you can do to improve your mental wellbeing. You can learn new ways to deal with the challenges you’re facing. It’s designed by clinical experts, and supported by the NHS and Scottish Government. SilverCloud is free. Sign up for SilverCloud When you go into the SilverCloud site for the first time, enter the access code NHS24
For children and young people
Childline – Offers free, confidential advice and support for any child 18 years or under, whatever the worry.
Feeling Strong – Dundee’s youth mental health charity. They have a drop-in peer coaching and listening service for young people (12-26) who live, work or study in Dundee.
The Corner, Dundee – This local organisation advises young people and helps them to access health and wellbeing services. The team at The Corner continue to provide a unique and integrated range of services to young people aged 11 to 19 through our Dundee City Centre Drop-In, work in local communities, schools and our media work.
Art Angel – Dundee-based art activities for young people aged 16+ to support their mental health.
BeFriends – A local charity. Through volunteers, BeFriends offers befriending support to disadvantaged children and young people local to Dundee, developing their life skills and improving their well-being.
Cool2talk – a safe space for young people age 12 up to and including 25 living in Tayside. Your questions answered accurately and without judgement within 24 hours.
Young Minds – A UK -wide charity supporting young people’s mental health. They provide information and advice for young people, parents and carers.
The Royal College of Psychiatry – information for children and young people, and parents and carers about mental health. Written by psychiatrists and children and young people working together.
In Our Place – Online courses dedicated to improving emotional health and wellbeing in parents, children, teenagers, adults and grandparents. Use access code TARTAN
Decider Skills for children – The Decider Skills use Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to teach children, young people and adults the skills to recognise their own thoughts, feelings and behaviours, enabling them to monitor and manage their own emotions and mental health. The Resilient Ratties series of children’s books have been designed to introduce children and adults to these skills.
Calm Harm app – Calm Harm is an award winning app which helps manage the urge to self harm. It provides some immediate activities and techniques to help you break the cycle of self-harm behaviour and explore underlying trigger factors.
Sleep Action – If your child is struggling to sleep it can be exhausting for them and for the whole family. We know that good sleep is vital for children, teenagers, and families to flourish. It’s our goal to bring sleep support to every child who needs it.
For parents and carers of young people
Parent to Parent – Support for parents of children with additional support needs, whether physical, learning, sensory or behavioural.
Young Minds – A UK -wide charity supporting young people’s mental health. They provide information and advice for young people, parents and carers. These include an A-Z guide to mental health conditions with advice on how to help your child with their feelings and behaviour, as well as mental health conditions and life events.
The Royal College of Psychiatry – information for children and young people, and parents and carers about mental health. Written by psychiatrists and children and young people working together.
Parent Club Scotland – tips and advice to help with the high and lows of parenting, from babies to teenagers.
In Our Place – Online courses dedicated to improving emotional health and wellbeing in parents, children, teenagers, adults and grandparents. Use access code TARTAN
Triple P is a parenting programme, but it doesn’t tell you how to be a parent. It’s more like a toolbox of ideas. You choose the strategies you need. You choose the way you want to use them. It’s all about making Triple P work for you.
One Parent Families Scotland – support for family issues such as routine, behaviour, housing and health.
National Autistic Society – Get expert advice on a wide range of issues affecting autistic people and their families.
Mental health during pregnancy and after birth
In Our Place – Online courses dedicated to improving emotional health and wellbeing in parents, children, teenagers, adults and grandparents. Specific courses for mental health during pregnancy and after birth for women and men. Use access code TARTAN
Miscarriage Association – If you’ve been affected by miscarriage, molar pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy, the Miscarriage Association hope this website will provide the information and support that you’re looking for.
For carers
Carers of Dundee – Online platform for unpaid carers, families, and the workforce in Dundee. Packed with information, resources, service signposting, events & learning opportunities.
Penumbra carers support emotional and practical support for carers aged 16-65 who care for someone with mental health challenges.
Eating disorders
Momentum – This is designed for adults (18+) with binge eating episodes. It is a clinically recommended self-help programme based on cognitive behavioural therapy, while trained facilitators support you through the programme with regular telephone guidance session. You can refer yourself through the website.
Beat Eating Disorders – Find out more about eating disorders and how to access support as a patient or loved one.
For support following sexual assault or domestic abuse
WRASAC – Women’s Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre, Dundee and Angus 01382 201291 If they are not available e.g. after 5pm please call Rape Crisis Scotland 08088 010 302
Dundee Women’s Aid 01382 207099
Scottish Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline 0800 027 1234 Support is available in different languages and for both women and men.
Listening Service
Many people find it helpful to talk, particularly during stressful events at home or work, or after a bereavement or loss. Telling your story uninterrupted and judgment-free could help you to sort through your emotions. You may then be able to rediscover your strength and find a way forward. The Community Listening Service provides 50 minute appointments with fully trained listeners on the phone. Find out more and refer yourself here.
Bereavement and grief
Cruse Scotland – Free helpline 0808 802 6161
Survivors of Bereavement through suicide Helpline 0300 111 5065
Bereavement and Grief self help guide
Insight Counselling in Dundee and Angus. You can refer yourself.
Drug and Alcohol support
Self help techniques and guides
Depression and Talkplus
Graded Exposure – a CBT technique to help you overcome your fears and tackle avoidance
For more self help guides, see NHS Inform
Tools and techniques
The Virtual Hope Box (VHB) is a smartphone application designed for use by patients and their behavioral health providers as an accessory to treatment. The VHB contains simple tools to help patients with coping, relaxation, distraction, and positive thinking. Search for Virtual Hope Box on Google Play or the App Store (insert screenshot )
Self help CBT techniques – these can help you to deal with worries and unhelpful thoughts, work through problems in new ways, build resilience, and boost your mental wellbeing. These are some practical tips and strategies rather than a full CBT course.
STOPP – a free app for distress/tolerance/emotional regulation from Decider Skills. The Decider Skills use Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to teach children, young people and adults the skills to recognise their own thoughts, feelings and behaviours, enabling them to monitor and manage their own emotions and mental health.
SHOUT Free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging service for anyone who is struggling to cope Text SHOUT to 85258
The Virtual Hope Box (VHB) is a smartphone application designed for use by patients and their behavioral health providers as an accessory to treatment. The VHB contains simple tools to help patients with coping, relaxation, distraction, and positive thinking. Search for Virtual Hope Box on Google Play or the App Store. See the icon below.
STOPP – a free app for distress/tolerance/emotional regulation from Decider Skills. The Decider Skills use Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to teach children, young people and adults the skills to recognise their own thoughts, feelings and behaviours, enabling them to monitor and manage their own emotions and mental health.
Calm Harm – Calm Harm is an award winning app which helps manage the urge to self harm. It provides some immediate activities and techniques to help you break the cycle of self-harm behaviour and explore underlying trigger factors.
Feeling Good – Feeling Good offers Positive Mental Training audio programmes based on scientific research which can help you feel better, lift your mood and recover from stress, anxiety, and depression by building resilience and developing positive feelings. Download from app store Username: coboost3 Password: positive
NHS Staff Wellbeing Service
NHS Tayside wellbeing and workshop services support NHS staff to maintain their resilience through times of difficulty, stress, loss, or ill-health. They also help to enhance the quality of working relationships, enabling teams to work better together and find positive ways forward after difficult incidents.
Togetherall – a safe online community where people support each other anonymously to improve mental health and wellbeing.