You may be offered a Group Consultation appointment if you have diabetes.
Group Consultations mean that you will see a GP (either Dr Brown or Dr MacTavish)
alongside other people who also have diabetes.
There can be up to 12 patients in the group but there are usually 6-10.
Group Consultations can support you to keep well, review your condition and allow you to
spend longer with your healthcare team. You still have one-to-one time with the GP within
the group.
To help you get the most from this consultation some key data relating to your condition
will be shared within the group e.g. blood pressure, blood test results etc
Having other people with the same condition and similar challenges allows you to be
connected and support each other. Patients who receive care in this way tell us they prefer
it to shorter and often rushed one to one or telephone appointments.
What will happen in your Group Consultation Appointment:
The appointment lasts around 90 minutes. We will check you into your appointment and
make sure you have completed any pre session paperwork. Once we have done this you
can join the session where our facilitator will greet and guide you through the session.
We are hoping to set up group consultations for other conditions such as chronic pain and
infant feeding problems in the future.